Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bus to Odda

Monday I woke up early and caught the bus to Odda. Helen dropped me off after dropping off Hannah at school, and we had quite a good conversation along the way. The bus driver punched me in and I bought a ticket for the whole journey, he making sure I understood that I had to change at Seljord. (names unfortunately are not in the proper characters - there are sounds that the english characters simply can't represent - i'll try to address that in later blogs)

Here are a few pictures out the bus window along the journey:
S7301901.JPG S7301925.JPG S7301939.JPG S7301953.JPG S7301974.JPG S7301981.JPG S7301986.JPG
As you can see, the terrain was more covered in snow as we went over the high pass (and through a long tunnel) until we finally emerged on the other side near where Odda is, nestled on the end of a long fjord at sea level.

1 comment:

Tim Høiland said...

true or false:
among the best parts of visiting norway is being able to use the word fjord in everyday conversation?